Our Beliefs

A man making a confession to the cross, shot under dawn sky

St. Mary’s is a Christian community. Our values and foundations are grounded in God’s story as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and in his Son Jesus Christ.

Jesus revealed to us a way of living that brings a deep sense of unity with the One who created us whom we call God, with each other and with the world.

We believe that Christianity is not just about “going to Church”. It is about living our lives for God and for each other authentically in the 21st Century.

There is nothing boring about being a Christian; It is a journey with a Divine companion, who calls us to live riskily for other people in lives of service and love. At St Mary’s you will find that Church, God and Faith are all verbs, drawing us consciously on to witness to the presence of Jesus.

St Mary’s is part of the Church of England which means we are under the authority of a Bishop and that our worship and our understanding of the Christian Faith are fed and nurtured by the Anglican Tradition with the Eucharist as its centre.  As part of a wider Church, we share resources, ministry, service and mission with our sisters and brothers not only in Sanderstead but in Diocese of Southwark and across the world.