Please browse & download our sermons below.
Sunday before Lent 23.02.2020
An overweight man decided that it was time to shed a few pounds. It was near Lent and ...
2nd Sunday before Lent 16.02.2020
The poem quoted in today's sermon is taken from Using Poetry to Promote Talking & Healing by Pooky Knightsmith
For further resources to help tackle anxiety, see Pooky's YouTube channel
Epiphany 3 26.01.2020
Prayers and reflection for Holocaust Memorial Day
Epiphany 2 19.01.2020
A mum exhausted by her son's inability to do as he was asked ...
The Baptism of Christ 12.01.2020
In a Carol Service a member of the congregation (not this one) was taking part in a ...
Advent 2 8.12.19
Today is the Second Sunday of Advent, where our readings are about John the Baptist ...
Christ the King 24.11.19
Today is the last Sunday of the Christian year - a day referred to as 'Christ the King' ...
Second Sunday before Advent 17.11.19
During the time we spent in the Holy Land in 1968 ...
All Saints 3.11.19
A king sat on his throne thinking about all of his accomplishments ...
Bible Sunday 27.10.19
I can remember my very first sermon. It went on for far too long as I tried ...
18th Sunday after Trinity 20.10.19
I wonder if you've ever asked yourself how many times you are photographed in a day? ...
17th Sunday after Trinity 13.10.19
A vicar lost his bike which he relied heavily upon to get around his small rural parish ...
Harvest Festival 06.10.19
One day Bill went out hunting in the woods. It had been a slow day and ...
Back to Church Sunday 15.09.19
Carolyn, an eight-year-old girl, said to her nan ...
9th Sunday after Trinity 18.8.19
Uncompromising words of Jesus from the Gospel for today ...
5th Sunday after Trinity 21.7.19
I was checking on my Facebook on Friday to see what new things had been posted by my friends ...
4th Sunday after Trinity 14.7.19
It was approximately 3.20am on March 13, 1964 when twenty-eight-year-old Kitty Genovese was returning home ...
3rd Sunday after Trinity 7.7.19
Jesus has just finished making sure that His followers understand what being a disciple is all about.
2nd Sunday after Trinity 30.6.19
It took Leonardo da Vinci seven years to complete his painting of the Last Supper and all the figures representing the Apostles and Christ were painted from living people ...
1st Sunday after Trinity 23.6.19
Some people used to hang humorous plaques on their walls ...
Trinity Sunday 16.6.19
When asked to explain Fathers' Day, a young lad said ...
Easter 3 5.5.19
A lecturer was invited to speak at the university of Chicago's school of divinity. After taking the platform ...
Lent 4 31.3.19
By the time a child is 18 their mum will have spent an average ...
Sunday before Lent 3.3.19
A husband and wife were sitting around the table talking one night ...
Second Sunday before Lent 24.2.19
A hurricane lifts over sixty million tons of water and generates more power every ten seconds than all the electrical power used in the United States in a year ...
Third Sunday before Lent 17.2.19
We all want to go through life having a sense of accomplishment, with feelings that bring happiness. But what I wonder does it mean to be happy ...
In a stroke of genius, the Greeks built an enormous wooden horse with a hollow tummy in which men could hide...
The director of music was frustrated with the sporadic
attendance of all the choir for the Christmas carol concert
where the whole community had been invited...
Dearest Jim,
No words could ever express the great unhappiness I've felt since breaking our engagement....
In January 1967, Apollo 1, a 3-man capsule was launched into earths orbit but something went tragically wrong….
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